Ovarian PRP Therapy
Ovarian PRP is a new and highly promising procedure without side affects. It is direct from the patients own blood sample. PRP is highly rich in tissue regeneration. The main tissu includes epidermal growth factor. PRP rejuvenation, tissue repair of the ovarian reserve to produce a healthier ovarian reserves. The main potential benefit is pregnancy with your own eggs even after menopause! Every woman's response is different and PRP application may not work for some women.
Before the patient starts, she requires to have her hormone levels checked LH, FSH and AMH. After the procedure the patient will repeat the hormone test to see the increase of the hormone levels.
Several tubes of blood is taken from the patient. The tubes of blood sample is then put in a prob for 25 minute. Once the prob has compleated the blood and the cell seperate, they then administrate the cells to the ovarian reserves. The patient will go under a light anastetic for roughly 20 minutes. When the patient recovers she will be able to leave.